Amplifed woofer boxes are essentially self-contained bass systems, with woofers, amplifiers and sometimes additional electronics built into the enclosure. Purchasing a loaded, amplified woofer box relieves the buyer of having to know and understand all the technical details and construction techniques necessary to assemble a well-balanced and sonically correct bass system. Here you will find a large selection of loaded/amplified woofer boxes by several of the most respected manufacturers in the world, from modestly powered and priced models, to high-powered models that will quite simply blow your doors off. Some of these are "low profile" boxes, designed to fit in tight spaces, while others are large, full chambered models. To help you decide which type is best for your purposes, and for a deeper understanding of all types of speaker boxes and how to build them, take a few moments to study the information on the Enclosures page of our Technical Advice and Assistance section . Click below for a selection of loaded/amplified woofer boxes and speaker systems.