The term "Woofer Tube" in relation to car audio systems, refers to a bass system built into a tubular enclosure and designed to deliver maximum bass response in a limited amount of space. Perhaps the most famous of such tube designs comes from Bazooka, the interior nomenclature of which appears in the diagram above. Tubes are especially applicable to small trucks and vehicles with limited space, for placement behind the seats or in other restricted areas. Purchasing a loaded woofer tube not only offers space advantages, but also relieves the buyer of having to know and understand all the technical details and construction techniques necessary to assemble a well-balanced and sonically correct bass system. Here you will find a large selection of loaded woofer tubes by several of the most respected manufacturers in the world, from those with built-in amplifiers, to others containing only woofers. These run the gamit from modestly powerful and priced models, to models that can stand up to (or that contain) high-powered amplification. To help you decide which type is best for your purposes, and for a deeper understanding of all types of speaker enclosures and how to build them, take a few moments to study the information on the Enclosures page of our Technical Advice and Assistance section . Click below for a selection of loaded woofer tubes.